Dec 22, 2008

My first TuTu

It was hard to get pics of Jaidyn in her new tutu! She kept wanting to eat it! My tootless smile! She loves to suck on her bottom lip

She is our little peanut- She just got her 4 month shots and she weighs 11.4 lbs and is 23 1/2 inches long!

It is begining to look alot like Christmas!

When we woke up the other day- this is what we saw! It looks like we might have a white Christmas!

(This is our neighbors house)

Barry playing balancing girl with Jaidyn

Logans First Paycheck

He was excited to receive his first paycheck from working at Little Caesars! You can't see the amount, but it was right around 35.00. He deposited 15 for his mission and kept 20.00 for himself and thought he was a high roller!

Dec 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Jaidyn- She is 4 months old today!

She lays patiently in the sink while I get ready

Jaidyn loves bathtime! She coos the entire time, even when I get her out and her lip is quivering. She loves her boppy, she thinks she is a big girl looking around.

Nov 16, 2008

The real reason we moved to Nevada- Logans job

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Nov 7, 2008

Nov 6, 2008

Calling All Toothfairies

Meghan wants all the toothfairies flying around tonight to know that she lost her 1st tooth and would like payment to be dropped off in Dayton Nevada where she now lives.
Oh my gosh, did it come out all ready??

Getting ready to pull it out herself!

Nov 5, 2008

Congratulations California!!!

Congratulations on Prop 8 passing! Thanks to everyone who put in their time and energy to ensure this prop passing. This not only helps Ca.- but the rest of this nation. It shows we will take a stand!

Nov 1, 2008

Halloween Fun

Jadiyn loved Jareds jungle gym


Nice Hair :)

Getting ready

Halloween night- We went to Turlock to visit friends and trick-or-treat!

Oct 30, 2008


We didn't have a grand opening- but it sure has been a great one! This is Barry, Jeanni, Jaidyn and Ian in front of John's (our partners) truck parked in front of the store! We have had a lot of business!!! YEA!

Oct 28, 2008

Who wouldn't buy pizza from her?

Would you like a Hot N Ready Pizza for 5.99?
Because this outfit was orange and close to halloween, I put this on Jaidyn today for our store opening. I kept her in her sling and ran the cash register. Everyone that came in thought she was soooo cute!

Oct 27, 2008

Pizza! Pizza! Our store is opening!!!

Logan helped by holding Jaidyn and playing games on my cell phone :) Just kidding he did just as much work as the rest.
Laton cleaned up all the paint that was spilled on the tile.

Meghan did a great job mopping the floor.

Our store will open for business tomorrow!

Oct 24, 2008

Updates from Nevada

So many sweet smiles. These light up our families days! She is so happy when she wakes up, she just looks around trying to find someone to coo and smile for!
Logan starting using my sling to carry Jaidyn around. He took her outside to look around. SO Sweet!!!

I couldn't figure out why the dogs were barking so much this morning and I looked outside and this was over our house. Their is a place about 1 mile from here you can take a hot air balloon ride.

Jared and Jaidyn on our last day in California! She misses him all ready! We are going to go see him this weekend!

Oct 16, 2008

Nevada "Games"

Meghan just LOVES Nevada!!! She thinks it is so cool that the gas stations and some of the stores have video games for her to play. I didn't quite understand what she was talking about until yesterday when she asked for a quarter to play a game and I heard her father say she had to be 21 to play those games. She thought that was pretty dumb to put games for adults instead of kids in the stores. Can't wait until she reads the signs for the Bunny Ranch and wants us to take her there to see the "bunnies." :)

Oct 10, 2008

YES On Prop 8!!!

Having tolerance without condoning. We can love someone while still maintaining and advocating our standards and beliefs.
Unless Proposition 8 passes, California society will soon undergo a profound change in its basic understanding of marriage and family life. That will affect everyone in numerous ways. Over time, greater acceptance of nontraditional marriage will be demanded of all people. This could impact the ability of any religion to teach and practice its beliefs.
Proposition 8 will not hurt gays. In California, the law provides for marriage-related benefits to be given to civil unions and domestic partnerships. Proposition 8 does not diminish these benefits.
Failure to pass Proposition 8 will hurt children. If gay marriage remains legal, public schools will put it on equal footing with traditional marriage. Children will likely receive “age appropriate” information about sexual relations within heterosexual and homosexual marriages.
Failure to pass Proposition 8 will hurt churches. The court’s decision will inevitably lead to conflicts with religious liberty and free speech rights. Society will become more and more hostile to traditional beliefs about marriage and family.

This is also a great message to read:
Marriage as a human institution is constantly evolving. But in all societies, marriage shapes the rights and obligations of parenthood.

By David Blankenhorn

September 19 2008

I'm a liberal Democrat. And I do not favor same-sex marriage. Do those positions sound contradictory? To me, they fit together.

The complete article can be viewed at:,0,2112209.story

Oct 9, 2008

Logan is now officially an Eagle Scout-

He passed his Board of Review last night! YEA!

Sep 28, 2008

Ahhh! Those Sunday naps!

Meghan now has proof that her mom naps on Sundays!

Sep 13, 2008

Peace Begins with a Smile :)

Jaidyn is 5 weeks old now and she is starting to smile and cooo alot. She smiles so big sometimes it closes her eyes. We love having her in our family! Such a sweet blessing.

My New Friend

My friend Cindy had her baby boy on Sept. 5th. They named him Brody Justin. (LOVE the name )He weighed in at 9lbs 15.9 ounces & is 21.5 inches long. He is such a cutie. We have gotten them together a few times to cuddle and get to know each other :) I think they remember each other from Heaven!