Jun 5, 2009

White Knuckles

Logan has been begging to drive. We like to take a back road home from town. It is called River Road. It runs along the river. It never fails, we always seem to see some sort of wildlife be it deer, turkey, quail, or geese. Their usually isn't much traffic, so I decided to let him give it a try. I was surprised at how well he did. This summer it will be drivers-ed and then he will start driving.


Anonymous said...

Good for him! I screeched into a driveway on my first drive home. Can't believe he is going to drive already, it will be fun when we see you guys again, and to see him driving like a pro!

Mark Katy said...

I better not run down that road any more!

Kristy said...

Fun, fun, fun! Abby turned sweet 16 in May and will get her driver's license on June 23! Look out!

Eric and Rozanne said...

You're a brave woman with the river so near!:) Sounds like he'll be a good driver though.