Apr 9, 2009

Dear Toothfairy...............

Barry asked Meghan to come sit by him last night, as he wanted to tell her a little something. Those of you who know Barry know that he likes to joke around. Meghan has lost 3 teeth in the last 6 weeks and another is getting VERY loose. He asked her if she knew how tight the economy was right now and she said yes. He then told her that the toothfairy didn't have a lot of money and that she wouldn't be paying for teeth for a while. Meghan replied with "That is o.k. I will pay for my own teeth, the toothfairy can take my teeth and I will put my own money under my pillow." How Sweet, Sweet, Sweet that was! I wonder if she will pay for my teeth also. I might just pull a few out :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha that is too cute! She is a good kid- no way in heck would the tooth fairy have gotten away with that when I was that age!