May 8, 2009

Happy 9 Month Birthday to Jaidyn

Jaidyn turned 9 months old on the 6th. I can't believe she is almost 1. The time has flown by. We went for her doctors appt. yesterday and she is 14.11 lbs (3%) and is 27 in. long (25%). She is growing- slowly- but growing :) She is learning so many fun and new things like peek-a-boo, bye-bye, and waba-waba! She babbles all the time and loves to see her siblings when they come home from school- we always sing- oh, where, oh, where, oh, where is....... right before she sees them so she knows when I sing that song, someone will be popping in soon. She starts kicking and waving her arms in excitement. We still have set turns for each of the kids as to when it is their time to hold her, as the newness still hasn't worn off. Here is a cute video of her on her 9th month b-day.


Mark Katy said...

That is too cute. My kids all did Open Shut Them at that age. That makes me miss that age... when all the learning really starts!
And I love how you have to have specific times for her to be held. I totally get why!

Anonymous said...

she is so funny! That is really good she can do all that! What a smart girl! Happy nine months!