Oct 30, 2009

Angora Lake

Last week Jaidyn and I went on a hike with the Huessers and Creswells. We hiked up to Angora Lake. It is beautiful up there! Here are a few pictures from our trip. On the drive up once you turn off the main road the single lane road that leads up the the trail is very bumpy and windy. Paula, being the experienced driver that she is drove fast and crazy up and down this road. It felt like we were on a roller coaster. The kids had a blast, including Jaidyn. She was laughing harder than I have ever heard her laugh before. I was actually excited to see if she would think the ride down the road was as thrilling, she did. Thanks for the invite Paula! We had a blast!

Jaidyn took a tumble right when we got out of the car. She got a pretty good goose egg on her head and scraped up her knees and nose :(


vocalise said...

What a gorgeous look place. Love that last photo....poor little forehead!!

Anonymous said...

The picture at the bottom with you and Jaidyn is really cute