Feb 23, 2010

Proof in Prayers

Thanks to all of you who prayed for THIS sweet family. Their little boy who drown in the bathtub and was dead for at least 12 minutes (from what they can best calculate), has made a full recovery and is now back home! Yea! God is GOOD, and does answer prayers. He even walked out of Primary Childrens Hospital on his own!!!


vocalise said...

Amazing is such an overused word. But, this is amazing. What a blessing.

Kristy said...

I have kept up with this family too Jeanni and they truly have had a miracle in their boy! Grateful is all I can say!

Mark Katy said...

That makes me cry!!!!!!! I am SO HAPPY! I feel like I know them just because I read their blog! I prayed and prayed for that family! I was just thinking yesterday about them & was wondered if you knew them personally and how they were doing! THANK YOU for the up date and a link to their blog again. ~ Katy